STERI-7 S-7XTRA - A unique breakthrough in the fight against infection

S-7 XTRA logo v2

Get to know STERI-7 S-7XTRA intimately, check out the exciting infomercial here

Healthcare is an area particularly vulnerable to contamination.

Common viruses like Norovirus and Influenza are all around us; in the air we breathe and the things we touch. With the emergence of vicious ‘Superbugs’ like MRSA, Clostridium Difficile and VRE it is making the work of HEALTHCARE professionals even tougher. There is no need to fear, we have the answer. 

You need all the help you can get.

S-7XTRA is a multi-purpose hospital grade disinfectant cleaner effective against pathogens as it cleans.

S-7XTRA works differently to other cleaners with it’s unique Reactive Barrier Technology (RBT). Not only is it a powerful cleaner & disinfectant which doesn’t need rinsing, but a microscopic protective barrier is created which keeps on working even when dry, keeping treated areas contamination free in-between cleans. The RBT will reactivate when organisms are re-introduced and keep pathogens at bay for ongoing protection.

S-7XTRA is highly effecitive against Bacteria, Viruses, Spores, Fungi, Mould and TB and contains multi-actives which ensures that there is no chance of pathogens building resistance. The products are PH Neutral - No ventilation required and low risk to people, equipment or the environment.

Cleaning protocols are made simpler, quicker, more cost effective and almost fool-proof.

The most effective way to protect yourself and those around you from these threats is by cleaning and disinfection, and the best One-Step solution is STERI-7 (S-7XTRA).

Product Features

  • Reactive Barrier Technology (RBT), keeps treated areas protected between cleans          
  • Highly effective against Pathogens
  • Non detergent Cleaner
  • 99.9999% Effective (Log 6)
  • Non Toxic (Food Safe) Non Tainting
  • Non Corrosive

  • Non Irritant
  • Non Ethanol based
  • Low Risk to people, equipment or the environment
  • Operates effectively in a wide temperature range, from 4 to 60 degrees C.          
  • Assists in reducing Health Care Acquired Infections
  • Assists in reducing absenteeism
  • Supports Existing Cleaning Protocols
  • No Rinsing Required
  • A long shelf life (3 years plus)
  • Can Reduce Cleaning Time & Costs
  • Reduces the Number of Cleaning Products
  • Simplifies Training


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